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Math Computation involves: Recall of math facts, understanding and applying procedures to solve math calculations.

A student may be struggling in this area if s/he:

  • Scores poorly on a benchmark assessment 

  • Has difficulty recalling basic math facts

  • Struggles with math procedures (eg. regrouping)

  • Appears to “know it one day but not the next” (suggests incomplete mastery of basic skills)





 Complete Fact Fluency Intervention Packet

 Intermix to Increase Motivation


 EXTRA-Generate More Math Probes

 Cover Copy Compare

 Explicit Timing

 Math Fact Fluency with Flashcards








This curated list of interventions has been compiled from a variety of sources including: University of Missouri EBI, Intervention Central,, and Reading Rockets.  This is by no means an all inclusive list and there may be many you prefer over the ones cited here.  If so, let us know so we can include your favorites too!  The interventions on this page are evidence based and require few if any additional materials.  Many can be adapted for use at different grade levels and are generally listed in order of complexity and skill level.

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