Vocabulary refers to: a student’s ability to recognize and understand the meanings of words. Oral vocabulary refers to the words that a student recognizes and uses while speaking or listening. A student’s reading vocabulary includes the words that they recognize and understand when reading. A student’s writing vocabulary includes the words that he/she uses when expressing ideas through written material. Vocabulary is an important part of reading comprehension.
A student may be struggling in this area if:
The student scores low in the areas of vocabulary and/or comprehension on I-Ready or another benchmarking assessment.
The student may be able to read the words, but struggles with understanding the meaning.
The student may be unable to describe or answer questions about material he/she has read.
The student misuses words when speaking or writing.
The student seems to use the same words over and over when writing. He/she struggles to vary sentences and use grade-level words.
Increasing Vocabulary Using Incremental Rehearsal
-Visual organizer that promotes vocabulary development
-Visual organizer that promotes vocabulary development
20 Evidence-based Vocabulary Interventions
-Recommended for class-wide or Tier 2 use
-A variety of interventions to increase vocabulary
Word Sort
-To increase vocabulary, words can be sorted according to meaning